Owlbears of Holding are a boutique series of plush toys designed by me, Andi Smith. The original Owlbear, Fireball, was produced in 2017 thanks to my amazing Kickstarter backers.
I have recently switched plush manufacturers. As such, I am updating the overall design of my Owlbears series. I am contemplating adding a zipper pouch to the plush, hence the name.
The most requested Owlbear has been my colorful Painbow, so he is the one that will be getting the makeover first!
What I *can* tell you is that the new Owlbears will be 8 to 10 inches tall and will be made of ultra soft minky fabric. Their chonky bellies will have a Paunch Patch that features an embroidered design that is related to fantasy tabletop gaming or the gaming culture. Some examples of Paunch Patch designs include spells, gaming accessories, dice, gaming classes, and such.
If all goes well (thanks Covid-19!), the Kickstarter for the updated Owlbears will be launched in 2023!
The Owlbears live in the village of Game-a-Lot in the magical kingdom of Hyroll. Their neighbors, the Globlins, live in the nearby forest, Fireball’s Folly, in a giant tree called Gnodise Hollow.
Fireball’s Folly was once a densely packed forest of trees and lush foliage. Now there is a large area of the wood that has been razed due to an unfortunate (and accidental) forest fire.
As a result of this incident, the Owlbears and the Globlins are not on the best terms. It should also be noted that the Globlins are not necessarily mean or evil but they are known across Hyroll as Minions of Mischief and Mayhem.
Simply put…they are often devious troublemakers.
The Owlbears’ leader, GM, and the Globlins’ leader, LubbDubb, are very good friends and do their best to ease the tensions between their clans. Of course, just as soon as a peace has settled between them a mischievous Globlin or two finds a way to ruin everything.
Please note: All character art is conceptual and yet to be finalized.
Gamemaster (GM)
Gamemaster is the leader of the Owlbears and takes gaming quite seriously. He's responsible for moderating games and spinning epic tales.
Most folks have a fair weather relationship with Icosa the d20 Owlbear. Maybe it depends on the roll of his dice?
Fireball is a feisty, fiery fellow with the ability to cast an explosive spell...sometimes by accident.
Faerie Fire
Faerie Fire can outline concealed subjects with a soft, magical light. She often does this to be helpful but quite often she can be a thorn in the side of rogues and others who prefer to remain hidden.
Magic Missile
Magic Missile might randomly attack the darkness but he's really a super sweet Owlbear once you get to know him.
Bless is one of the Owlbears' cheerleaders. He has the uncanny ability to bolster courage and improve morale.
Goodberry has magical fruit that can sate the biggest of appetites while healing owies, too.
Painbow (his alias) Owlbear is a fun-loving fellow who just wants to get his game on!
Rules Lawyer (Rules)
Rules loves playing games but he's a stickler for keeping things by the book.
Stunning Fist
The sassy and spirited Stunning Fist often leaves others dazed and confused.
Stinking Cloud (Stinx)
Known as Stinx to his friends, Stinking Cloud has a bad habit that often leaves those near him nauseated.
Grease is a slippery Owlbear who is a bit accident prone. Though he means well his friends know that they need quick reflexes when they are with him.
(Digit for short) may only know simple magic tricks but they can be quite helpful in a pinch!
Mana Potion (Pottsy)
Nicknamed Pottsy by his fellow Owlbears, Mana Potion is known for his mana restoring tonics.
Health Potion (Healie)
Also known as Healie to her friends, this Owlbear is a Master Brewer of healing elixirs.
Bard is a talented jack-of-all-trades Owlbear with a penchant for music and mischief.
Fleet footed and skilled in the martial arts, Monk is one of the Owlbears' greatest protectors.
She is as sweet as can be but folks always seem to lose their heads when Vorpal comes around.
Tavern (Tavi)
If the Owlbears are looking for information, adventure, a job, or a hot meal, their first stop is always Tavern's place.
Bag of Holding (Boh)
As the unofficial Owlbears' treasurer, if one is looking for something it is likely that Boh has it.
Flank is everyone's very best friend. As a bonus she will be by your side whenever you need her because that's what friends are for!
Absolutely adore Painbow, Rules Lawyer, Monk & Bard. Would love to see a dark green/brown mix for Druid! Or a Hawaiian shirt wearing one called Gary after his creator.
I’m in Australia, any idea what I’d be looking at for postage?
My derpy Owlbear from John Kovalic needs a friend or two… or three… 😉
Just shared on our group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WorldofMonsters/?ref=bookmarks
Hi Arthur!
Thank you so much! That is so awesome of you! I really appreciate the signal boost!
Absolutely adore Painbow, Rules Lawyer, Monk & Bard. Would love to see a dark green/brown mix for Druid! Or a Hawaiian shirt wearing one called Gary after his creator.
I’m in Australia, any idea what I’d be looking at for postage?
My derpy Owlbear from John Kovalic needs a friend or two… or three… 😉
Nat “20” or Crit Hit bear?